Timber Frame Home Kits

Timber frame home kits provide a standardized package of materials that are delivered to your construction site for assembly into the completed timber frame structure. Depending on the company, the kit might include timber, posts, beams, rafters and joists, and a variety of hardware and joinery. Some companies also offer siding, insulation, and other conventional framing elements.

Unlike log homes, which rely on stacking logs to raise walls and roofs, timber frames use a system of massive timbers that are joined together with mortise and tenon joinery. The system allows for greater flexibility of design, allowing you to create open floor plans without the constraints of load-bearing walls.

In addition to the obvious benefit of saving time and money, timber frame homes have a unique look and feel that enhances any architectural style. They can complement modern, traditional or rustic designs, and even blend into naturally scenic locales. Timber frame structures are often used for residential, recreational and educational facilities.

The structural components of timber frame homes are made from large, beautiful timbers, which can be shaped to accommodate various architectural styles and budgets. The skeleton of the house is usually built using fewer timbers than that of a typical stick-built home, which means that the frame can be erected more quickly. In fact, a timber frame skeleton can be raised in a matter of days, compared to weeks for a standard stick-built home.

Once the frame is in place, you can continue building your home using a variety of conventional construction methods. Adding the exterior to your timber frame home can be done with cement, stone or logs, and the interior of your timber-framed home can be finished in whatever style you prefer. Because the timbers themselves do not carry any weight, interior walls are not required. The open concept of a timber frame home is further enhanced by the asymmetrical appearance of the massive timbers that run throughout the home. More Details timber frame barns

A timber frame home is not for the inexperienced, but a well-designed timber frame kit can make the process of building your dream home a fun and rewarding experience. It will still take some effort and knowledge, but the result is a home that is both elegant and functional.

New York

With its dramatic mountains, lakes and vineyards, New York is an ideal location for timber frame homes. New York timber frame builders are experienced in designing and constructing sustainable, energy-efficient and aesthetically pleasing homes that are a true pleasure to live in. From the lakefront retreats of Chautauqua and Allegheny to the state capital in Albany and artsy Saratoga, New York offers a wide variety of dramatic landscapes where timber frame homes can thrive. A timber frame home is a perfect way to enjoy New York's natural beauty while achieving high resale value. Contact a New York timber frame builder today to learn more about building your dream home using this time-tested construction method. Our team of experts is ready to help you get started.

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